Links - Useful OHS Internet Links
- General
- International
- European Organisations
- European Countries
- UK
- Australia
- Hong Kong
- US
- Africa
- Caribbean
- Canada
- Education
OSHNET - a useful source of links from Workcare California
Evironmental Health Criteria Toxicological Reviews- Useful Source of Toxicological Data
Internet Safety Resource - a Canadian based site with more than 2000 H&S links
Sampling and Analysis - NIOSH NMAM methods online (Acrobat files)
NIOSHTIC 2 - Database of of NIOSH funded or supported OHS publications
National Library of Medicine - for sources of toxicological information including TOXLINE, MEDLINE and lots more.
Health, Environment & Work - A useful site developed by Dr Raymond Agius
ILO Encylopaedia - an online version of the ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety
SaferOption - commercial site with some useful information including searchable listings of H&S legislation, ACOPs etc.
News - BBC online news service
Infobel - International phone directories
NorthernLight - A useful search engine
Chemical Index - University of Sheffield's Chemistry Department chemical index
NPL Reference Data - Kaye and Laby Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants
International Top
CIS - ILO OHS information
ILO - International Labour Organisation
WHO - the World Health Organisation
IOHA - the International Occupational Hygiene Association
ICOH - International Commission on Occupational Health
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - some good guidance on chemical safety / major hazards
ISO - International Standards Organisation
INCHEM - Lots of useful data on chemical safety (including exposure limits) from intergovernmental organisations
IEA - International Ergonomics Association
INSPO - A Forum for international collaboration among professional organisations to improve safety and health at work
European Organisations Top
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work - OHS in the EC
EFILWC - The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
ES&RA - European Safety and Reliability Association
ISSA - International Social Security Organisation
Europa EUR-Lex - European Legislation
ECETOC - European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicity of Chemicals
CEFIC - The European Chemical Industry Federation
European Countries Top
ENSHPO - European Network of Safety and Health Organisations
ENETOSH - European network for educationa and training in occupational safety and health
EUROSAFE - Organisations and individuals working towards the prevention of injury and promotion of safety
Norwegian Administrative Normer OELs - Norwegian Exposure Limits
FIOH - Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
UK Top
HSE - the Health and Safety Executive home page.
HSE Books- HSE Books Online
IOSH - the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
BOHS - the British Occupational Hygiene Society
Ergonomics - the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human factors
RoSPA - Royal Society for the Protection against Accidents - a useful database of health and safety contact information.
Behavioural Safety - Useful articles on behavioural safety
COSHH Essentials online - an online - interactive version of COSHH Essentials
University of Greenwich Fire Safety Engineering Group - Good for modelling human behaviour in fire emergencies
Australia Top
AIOH - the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygiene
SIA - the Safety Institute of Australia
ESA - Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia
NOHSC - Worksafe Home Site
ARPS- Australian Radiation Protection Society
COMCARE - Aust. Gov. Public Services OHS Agency
NTWHA - Northern Territory Work Health Authority
WCQ - Queensland Worksafe
VWCA - Victorian Workcover Authority
WCNSW - Workcover New South Wales
WCSA - Workcover South Australia
Safetyline - Information service for Worksafe Western Australia Some course notes on hazardous substances plus some useful links - pity about the "pop-up ads"
Standards - the Standards Australia website
Hong Kong Top
HKOSHHA - the Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Association
OS&HC - the Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Council
DSE Assessment - Online DSE Assessment tool provided by OSHC
US Top
ACGIH - the American Congress of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
AIHA - the American Industrial Hygiene Association
ASSE - the American Society of Safety Engineers
NIOSH - NIOSH home page
OSHA - OSHA home page
NIH Website - Lots of useful chemical toxicology data
Africa Top
ILO - ILO in Africa
ESSA - Ergonomics Society of South Africa
SAIOH - South African Institute of Occupational Hygiene
- South African health and safety legislation
Caribbean Top
NUGFW - Trinidad National Union of Government and Federated Workers Health and Safety Website
ILO - ILO Caribbean
CARICOM - Workers health and safety in the Carribean
Canada Top
CCOHS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Education Top
BOHS - International Occupational Hygiene Qualification Schemes
OHTA - OHlearning website - free occupational hygiene course materials
If you wish to report redundant links or would like to suggest new ones please contact Terry McDonald at