Links - Online Sources for Ergonomics
General Top
The Laboratory of Applied Anthropology - a French website offering access to anthropometric data sources
Roymech site - some useful UK anthropometric data
Ergoweb - Discussion forums and general information
Ergonomics Idea Bank - Washington State Dept. of Labor and Industries good ergonomic ideas website
Open Ergonomics - Some useful guidance plus products for sale
UQErgonomics - University of Queensland Ergonomics website Access to Ergonomics Australia (Journal) online
Bad designs Website A amusing collection of poor ergonomic designs
Humanics website A consultancy website but with lots of useful ergonomics information
Beyond the Office Door General guidance and tips on office ergonomics
Professional Organisations Top
International Ergonomics Association
UK Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society USA
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia
Governmental Organisations Top
NIOSH Ergonomics Information Site
NIOSH Stress information website
Tools Top
Invetory of Tools for Ergonomic Evaluation - A useful paper from Arbetslivsinstititet
Ergonomics Tools - Cornell University Ergonomics website
Thomas E Bernard's useful website
HSE MAC Tool - A useful tool for assessing manual handling operations
HSE ULD Risk Filter - A usefool tool for identifying upper limb hazards (pdf file)
HSE ULD worksheets - A useful tool for assessing upper limb risk
QEC - A "Quick Exposure Check" assessment tool for MSDs developed by the Robens Institute - unfortunately no longer available from the University of Surrey website but assessment form available from this website.
RULA - Rapid Upper Limb Assessment - A commonly used screening tool - online version
NIOSH Lifting Equation - an online version of the IOSH lifting equation (Access based)
OWAS Ovako Working Posture Assessment System
KIM EU OSHA Key Item Method
DASH - An assessment tool for disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand
Liberty Mutual Manual Handling Tables - widely used tables for assessing manual handling tasks
WISHA Tools WISHA Lifting calculator, hazard zone check list and caution zone check list
If you wish to report redundant links or would like to suggest new ones please contact Terry McDonald at