Links - Online Sources for Physical Agents
Noise and Vibration Top
US OSHA - Noise and Hearing Conservation website
US NIOSH - Noise and hearing loss prevention website
UK HSE - Noise website
EU OSHA - Noise at work website
CCOHS Noise Basics - Canadian CCOHS Noise - Basic information website
CCOHS Auditory Effects - CCOHS Auditory Effects website
CCOHS Noise Measurements - CCOHS Noise measurement website
CCOHS Non-Auditory Effects - CCOHS Non-auditory effects of noise exposure website
US OSHA - OSHA Noise and hearing conservation technical manual
Noise Videos
Making Workplace Sound Measurements Cirrus Research
The Hearing Video The WorksafeBC video
UK HSE - UK HSE vibration website
US NIOSH Standard - US NIOSH Criteria for a recommended hand-arm vibration standard
US NIOSH - US NOISH Bulletin on vibration syndrome
EU OSHA - EU OSHA vibration website
Vibration Videos
Construction Solutions - Hand-Arm Vibration
Construction Solutions - Whole Body Vibration
Hand-Arm Vibration The health effects of HAV
Ionising Radiation Top
International Radiation Protection Association - The primary purpose of IRPA is to provide a medium whereby those engaged in radiation protection activities in all countries may communicate more readily with each other and through this process advance radiation protection in many parts of the world.
The Society for Radiological Protection - The Society's full objectives are to promote the science and art of radiation protection, disseminate knowledge and support relevant education and promote high professional standards to the public benefit.
IAEA - The IAEA is the world's center of cooperation in the nuclear field.
HSE - UK HSE Radiation webpages (ionising and non-ionising)
ICRP - The work of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) helps to prevent cancer and other diseases and effects associated with exposure to ionising radiation, and to protect the environment.
WHO - The WHO ionising radiation website
EPA - US EPA Radiation Website (ionising and non-ionising)
OSHA - US OSHA ionising radiation website
HPA - UK Health Protection Agency website(ionising and non-ionising)
ARPANSA - Australian Radiation protection and Nuclear Safety Agency website (ionising and non-ionising)
CCOHS Ionizing radiation - CCOHS guidance on ionising radiation units and quantities
CCOHS Radon - CCOHS Guidance on radon in buildings
ILO - ILO Guidance on Radiation Protection
Non-Ionising Radiation Top
ICNIRP - International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection
HSE - UK HSE Radiation webpages (ionising and non-ionising)
HSE NIR - UK HSE Non-ionising radiation website
EPA - US EPA Radiation Website (ionising and non-ionising)
HPA - UK Health Protection Agency website (ionising and non-ionising)
ARPANSA - Australian Radiation protection and Nuclear Safety Agency website (ionising and non-ionising)
OSHA Workstation Lighting Tool - A useful tool for assessing lighting
CCOHS Lighting Website - Canadian CCOHS lighting guidance
Lighting in Offices - HK Labour Department, Guidance on Office Lighting from the HKLD
Working with VDUs UK HSE guidance for working with Display Screens
Infra-Red Radiation
ICNIRP - ICNIRP statement on IR
ILO IR - ILO information on IR radiation
Radio-Frequency Radiation
CCOHS mobile phones - CCOHS Cellular phones website
CCOHS microwave ovens - CCOHS microwave ovens website
OSHA - OSHA radio frequency and microwave website
Ultra-Violet Radiation
NIOSH - NIOSH UV Radiation website
WHO - WHO UV radiation website
WHO - WHO guidance on protecting workers from UV radiation
US OSHA - US OSHA Lasers technical manual
ILO - ILO Guidance on use of lasers in the workplace
CCOHS - CCOHS UV radiation website
The Thermal Environment Top
CCOHS Thermal Extremes - CCOHS Extreme hot and cold temperature conditions
UK HSE Temperature - UK HSE Temperature website
Cold Environments
CCOHS Cold Environments - CCOHS General Introduction to cold environments
CCOHS Health Effects - CCOHS Health effects and first aid for cold environments
CCOHS Working - CCOHS working in cold environments website
US NIOSH Cold - US NIOSH Cold stress website
US OSHA - US OSHA Cold Stress Equation
Thermal Comfort
CCOHS Thermal comfort - CCOHS Thermal comfort in offices website
Hot Environments
CCOHS Control - CCOHS Control of Hot Environments Website
NIOSH - US NIOSH Heat Stress website
OSHA - US OSHA Heat stress technical manual
HSE - UK HSE Heat stress website
More online sources - Heat stress sources on the internet
If you wish to report redundant links or would like to suggest new ones please contact Terry McDonald at